#HowIRecommend Flu Vaccine: How to Make Recommendations that Matter to Patients
Every year, there are large numbers of Americans who get sick and die as a result of seasonal flu. Yet, many of your patients may underestimate flu’s severity or their own susceptibility to catching the flu. If patients don’t understand that they are at risk and that risk could be serious, they may not prioritize getting their seasonal flu vaccines. Health care professionals (HCPs) are the most trusted source of health information for patients, and your recommendations make a difference when it comes to flu vaccination rates. You may already be recommending flu vaccine to your patients, but in this archived webinar, you'll get tips on how to make even stronger and more effective recommendations. You'll also learn how to answer many important questions from patients.
- Understand burden and severity of last year’s flu season
- Describe flu vaccine benefits, including potential flu burden averted by vaccination
- Describe how to make a strong and effective flu vaccine recommendation to patients and why your recommendation matters
- Illustrate how to properly administer flu vaccine
- Melissa Rolfes, PhD, MPH; Epidemiologist, Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, FAPhA; Pharmacist and Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), SinfoníaRx
- JoEllen Wolicki, BSN, RN; Nurse Educator, Immunization Services Division, NCIRD, CDC
This one-hour webinar was originally presented on
December 12, 2018. Discussion among the presenters and participants that occurred during the live version of the webinar was captured. To learn more: