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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Performance Management and Cultural Transformation Using the PDCA Approach



Organizations often struggle with developing a performance management system to help understand and guide operations on a timely basis. While many health departments now use some form of performance measurement, far fewer have successfully completed the transition to a performance management system; integrating performance measurement into the ongoing management of the organization. This white paper, written by PHF Quality Experts Jack Moran, Paul Ep​stein, and Les Beitsch, identifies how public health organizations can choose or adapt a performance management system to fit their specific cultures and needs. 


The paper highlights three performance management system models that often fit well within the culture of health departments:


1) The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Model;

2) The Balanced Scorecard Strategic Management Approach; and

3) The "Stat" Model (high frequency review of operating data to make rapid performance improvements).


The authors emphasize that each health department should build a performance management system that helps employees appreciate how their roles contribute to the greater goals of the organization and enhance its success.


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