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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
AHD Webinar Series: New River Academic Health Department 10 Years In (December 2023)

Category: Focus Area

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Workforce Development

Location: Virtual Meeting

Start Date: 12/18/2023

End Date: 12/18/2023

​​​​​​AHD Webinar Series: New River Academic Health Department 10 Years In

Webinar Occured:​ Monday, December 18, 2023 12:30-1:30pm EST

Virtual Meeting Archive​​​

Academic health department (AHD) partnerships – formal partnerships between health departments and academic institutions – have the potential to enhance the capacity of the organizations involved and offer a variety of benefits, such as increased health department capacity, placements for students, and recruitment and retention of staff. Join the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice and the Public Health Foundation for an interactive webinar focused on AHD partnerships on December 18, 2023, from 12:30-1:30pm EST. This webinar will provide an overview of the Academic Health Department process, partnerships and benefits. New River Academic Health Department will share their experiences illustrating the process from establishing memorandums of understanding through current initiatives​, 10 years into their partnership! 

  • C. William Keck, MD, MPH, Chair of the Council on Linkages and AHD Learning Community
  • Sophie Wenzel, MPH, DrPH, CPH, Founder and Director, New River Academic Health Department, Associate Director, Virginia Tech Center for Public Health Practice and Research
For more information about this virtual meeting, please contact Mayela Arana at

Want More?​​
Join the AHD Learning Community listserv to be notified of future events in the AHD Webinar Series or visit the AHD Learning Community online to explore previous webinars​ and other freely available resources to support developing and enhancing AHD partnerships.
The AHD Webinar Series is hosted by the Academic Health Department (AHD) Learning Community. The AHD Learning Community brings together public health and healthcare professionals to share AHD knowledge and experiences and work collaboratively to create resources and tools to support the development, maintenance, and expansion of AHD partnerships. The AHD Learning Community is an initiative of the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice. Visit the AHD Learning Community webpage or contact Mayela Arana at for more information.​​​

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AHD Webinar Series: New River Academic Health Department 10 Years In (December 2023)