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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
APHA 143rd Annual Meeting - Navigating the Seas of Public Health Workforce Development

Category: Program

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Workforce Development

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, W175a, 2301 S. Martin Luther King Drive

Start Date: 11/2/2015

End Date: 11/2/2015

Are you confused about all of the public health workforce development studies and frameworks being discussed to help prioritize and guide public health workforce development activities? Have you been using the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals as you prepare for health department accreditation or develop training for the public health workforce, and you don’t understand how all of the new initiatives relate? Are you wondering how the Framing the Future critical content areas, the draft foundational skills and content proposed by the Council on Education for Public Health, the cross-cutting workforce development skills being suggested by the National Consortium for Public Health Workforce Development, and other initiatives all fit together? Unsure if these are complementary or competing initiatives? A 90-minute interactive session at the American Public Health Association’s 143rd Annual Meeting this fall in Chicago, IL will provide an opportunity to learn how these multiple initiatives are indeed aligning and contributing to developing an even stronger public health workforce for the future. Hear from national experts about these initiatives, and explore with colleagues where there’s clarity and confusion. Participants will have ample opportunity for questions, answers, discussion, and suggestions during the session.

Session Details

  • Date: Monday, November 2, 2015
  • Time: 8:30-10am
  • Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, W175a
  • Session Title and Abstract: Navigating the Seas of Public Health Workforce Development: What Every Practitioner and Academic Needs to Know
  • Session Number: 3011.0
  • Moderator: C. William Keck, MD, MPH, Chair, Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice
  • Speakers
    • Donna J. Petersen, ScD, MHS, CPH, Chair, Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health Framing the Future Task Force
    • Laura Rasar King, MPH, MCHES, Executive Director, Council on Education for Public Health
    • Edward L. Hunter, MA, President and Chief Executive Officer, de Beaumont Foundation


Questions about this session may be sent to Kathleen Amos at

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APHA 143rd Annual Meeting - Navigating the Seas of Public Health Workforce Development