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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Performance Management: Improving Systems Systematically Webinar

Category: Focus Area

Related Categories: Performance Management

Location: Online

Start Date: 12/20/2011

End Date: 12/20/2011

​Now that the national voluntary accreditation public health program has been officially launched, many health departments are beginning to work on establishing a performance management system to prepare for Domain 9 - Evaluate and continuously improve health department processes, programs, and interventions. In this presentation, Ron Bialek, President of the Public Health Foundation (PHF), will introduce performance management through discussion of the following topics: 
  • Performance management overview and relevance to public health
  • Turning Point Performance Management System Framework overview
  • Turning Point Performance Management System Framework 2012 refresh
  • Tools to help your organization assess performance management capacity
  • Performance management resources

The Performance Management: Improving Systems Systematically webinar will be held online on December 20 from 2-3pm EST. Click here to register for this webinar


In order to respond to the growing movement around accreditation and quality improvement in public health, the focus of the NPHPSP Webinar Series has been expanded to include complementary topics related to performance management. Such topics include accreditation updates and key information, quality improvement, community health assessment and improvement planning, and MAPP.


PHF's quality improvement services and tools provide direct support to health departments preparing for accreditation, specifically around Domain 9. For more information, fill out an inquiry form.

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Performance Management: Improving Systems Systematically Webinar