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NOW AVAILABLE: 12th Edition Pink Book

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Topic: PHF News

Date: 4/27/2011

The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is pleased to announce the availability of Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 12th Edition (“The Pink Book”), the most comprehensive source of immunization information currently available.
"The Pink Book is my Bible for immunization practice.  Almost any time I have a question about immunization, I find the answer in the Pink Book.  Every member of our immunization team will get a copy."
       -- Alice Dubon, Senior Public Health Nurse, Immunization Coordinator, Putnam County Health Department, New York
The 12th Edition contains the latest information on many vaccine-preventable diseases, including new recommendations for Haemophilus influenzae type b, Hepatitis A, Human Papillomavirus, Influenza (with 2009 H1N1 and new “universal” Influenza recommendations), Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, Meningococcal Disease, Pneumococcal Disease, and Poliomyelitis.  In addition, the Pink Book is the place to find information on:
• Principles of vaccination
• General recommendations on immunization
• Immunization strategies for healthcare practices and providers
• Vaccine safety
• Child/adult immunization schedules

Order your copy today for immediate shipment -- visit the Learning Resource Center (LRC), call (877) 252-1200, or fax (301) 843-0159.
The 12th Edition Pink Book is also available with other immunization products from LRC:
Laminated Adult & Child Immunization Schedules and Pink Book 12th Ed. Package
The 12th Edition Pink Book and easily consultable vaccination charts are available together in this comprehensive immunization package.  The laminated adult and child immunization schedules from the Immunization Action Coalition use an easy-to-reference six-page, tri-fold format to provide the latest immunization information for adults, children, teens, and adolescents, including contraindications and precautions to consider before vaccines are administered.
Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 12th Ed. & Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, 3rd Ed. Combo Pack
Get the 12th Edition Pink Book and Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, 3rd Edition with this package. The 3rd Edition includes updated information on epidemiology principles, concepts, and procedures used in the surveillance and investigation of health-related events.


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NOW AVAILABLE: 12th Edition Pink Book