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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
500,000th Learner Registers on TRAIN

Related Categories: TRAIN

Topic: TRAIN

Date: 1/13/2012

On January 9, 2012, the 500,000th learner registered on TRAIN.  This is a significant milestone for TRAIN, the nation’s premier learning management system for professionals and volunteers who protect the public’s health.  With over one-half million learners, TRAIN continues to be one of the largest national learning management systems, allowing providers of training to easily market their trainings to a large audience at no cost.

TRAIN continues to grow in both size and functionality; there are currently 24 affiliates which include 21 states and 3 national organizations: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, and the Medical Reserve Corps.  Over 4,000 course providers have posted around 24,000 courses/trainings on various public health topics such as: chronic diseases, epidemiology/biostatistics, international health and more.  

We would not be able to reach this important milestone without the support and participation from all of our affiliates, affiliate administrators, and every single learner in the TRAIN Community!  We extend our gratitude and thanks to all of you.


To become a member of the TRAIN Community and find out what all the hype is about click here.


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500,000th Learner Registers on TRAIN