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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
HHS Announces $750 Million Investment in Prevention

Related Categories: Workforce Development

Topic: Infrastructure, Workforce Development

Author: Ron Bialek

Date: 2/9/2011

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced that the Prevention and Public Health Trust Fund, an Affordable Care Act initiative, will include $137 million in FY2011 for Public Health Infrastructure and Training.  These funds for public health agencies and the workforce had been in jeopardy.  It appears that the public health community has been successful in making the case for continued infrastructure and workforce support. 
More information can be found in the February 9, 2011 issue of the HHS Partnership Center Newsletter.


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Ron Bialek


Congratulations to all who have been working to achieve results and advocate for continued support under health reform for public health infrastructure and training!

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HHS Announces $750 Million Investment in Prevention