PHF Takes Action Against the Flu
According to the Center's for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC's) FluView report, flu activity remains elevated nationally. Some states that saw earlier increases in flu activity are now beginning to see decreases. Other states are continuing to see high levels of flu activity or are seeing increases in activity.
Keep Up the Fight Against Flu: CDC's Blog Post
 In this blog post, Dr. Seema Jain, Medical Epidemiologist at the CDC, discusses flu activity for this season, and encourages health professionals and others to keep up flu fighting efforts. Click here
for preventive steps you can take.
Seasonal Flu Campaign Resources
Use Seasonal Flu Campaign Resources, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to educate your staff and others on how to prevent and manage the flu.
The following resources explain the importance of preventing the flu, as well as, who is at high risk for flu complications.
TRAIN Offers Seasonal Flu Prevention Courses
TRAIN, the nation's premier learning management network for public health professionals and volunteers, offers local, state, and national trainings in many subject areas, including seasonal flu prevention.
CDC Learning Connection Offers
More Resources
CDC Learning Connection is a one-stop learning resource that can help increase public health knowledge and skills and meet professional development needs.
Features include:
- Quality e-learning
- A monthly spotlight on public health topics
- CDC TRAIN, a dynamic public health learning management system
- Quick-Learn lessons for mobile learning on the go
The public health resources can be accessed by public health professionals, as well as the general public. |
About the Learning Resource Center
PHF's Learning Resource Center (LRC) is where public health, health care, and others can find high quality training materials at an affordable price. These informative materials cover areas such as quality improvement, performance management, infectious diseases, epidemiology, diabetes, preparedness, and immunization. Materials are available in a variety of formats, including print, software, resource manuals, physician guides, and patient brochures.
LRC also specializes in promoting public health products. Contact Antoinette Barber if your organization would like to partner with LRC.
PHF Spotlight
will help put existing performance criteria in context of your organizational system and assist you in using the information to effectively assess problems.
PHF Website
Explore, which features information on public health workforce development and quality improvement, as well as programs, resources and tools, news, and events including the article

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