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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Improving Vector Control Using a Population Health Driver Diagram

Related Categories: Performance Management, Quality Improvement

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement

Date: 11/13/2015

​The Public Health Foundation (PHF) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are collaborating on a project to use the Vector Control Population Health Driver Diagram as a framework for developing and implementing quality improvement (QI) interventions within five different vector control programs from across the country. The project will benefit participating vector control programs, and also other communities that will be able to use this framework to improve their vector control programs.

In 2014, PHF developed a Vector Control Population Health Driver Diagram that identifies primary and secondary drivers that can contribute to a decrease in the presence of vectors and vector borne disease transmission in a community. A population health driver diagram can be used collaboratively by public health, healthcare, and other partners to identify and address potential primary and secondary drivers that can help to achieve an identified community health objective. Using the Vector Control Population Health Driver Diagram as a framework, PHF will assist five local health departments convene community partners across sectors and in other governmental agencies to identify, align, and implement interventions for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their vector control programs. The interventions chosen by the communities will be grounded in the 10 Essential Environmental Public Health Services.

PHF’s Senior Quality Advisor, Dr. Jack Moran, will work with each health department to help them identify the community partners to engage in sectors such as healthcare, government, and education. These community partners will be key players in developing and implementing interventions to improve the vector control program and activities in their community. Dr. Moran will be on-site with the health departments and their community partners to facilitate use of the Vector Control Population Health Driver Diagram to help to identify areas for interventions.

To assist other communities with use of the Vector Control Driver Diagram, PHF will gather information about the strategies and interventions implemented by the five communities. This information will be compiled into an “implementation guidance document” to provide other users of the Vector Control Population Health Driver Diagram with information on strategies and interventions that have been tried and what appears to have been successful in different communities.

For more information about this initiative or other opportunities to use a population health driver diagram, please contact Vanessa Lamers at or (202) 218-4412. PHF also offers customized technical assistance to communities developing or implementing a population health driver diagram.


This project is funded through cooperative agreement CDC-RFA-OT13-130202CONT14. The project is managed by the Environmental Health Services Branch, Division of Emergency Health and Services, National Center for Environmental Health.


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Improving Vector Control Using a Population Health Driver Diagram