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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (April 2022)

Related Categories: Performance Management, Quality Improvement, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement, PHF News, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Date: 4/27/2022


News, resources, tools, and information on performance management, quality improvement, and workforce development to improve the quality and performance of your organization and the health of your community.
PHF E-News: News for Public Health
Updated Competency Assessment Tools Now Available

Following the release of the 2021 Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies), the competency assessment tools provided by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice have been updated to reflect this newest version of the Core Competencies. Four assessment tools are available: one focusing on competency statements only and one for each of the three tiers within the Core Competencies. Access the updated assessment tools today.
Blog Shines Light on Workforce Training and Power of TRAIN

Interested in public health workforce training? David Knapp, Kentucky TRAIN Administrator and recent recipient of PHF’s Ted Ervin Award, has developed a blog to help document best practices related to training today’s public health workforce and the role of the TRAIN Learning Network. For example, in a recent post, Whose Bloomin Idea was this?, he provides a historical review of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, which has become “an emblem for curriculum design, used to set learning objectives and design training activities.” Read his engaging blog and learn more about the power of TRAIN.

Living with stage 4 colon cancer, Mr. Knapp is also documenting his journey online. Learn more.
New to TRAIN: Federal Grants Management Training Series

Unsure how to navigate and manage the federal grants process? A new training series now available on CDC TRAIN provides grantees with the information needed to assist with the management of federal grants and cooperative agreements. The CDC Foundation Federal Grants Management Training Series is self-guided and offers a certificate for successfully completing the three training modules. Access the training today.
Resources to Support Childhood Vaccination During National Infant Immunization Week

National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is an annual observance highlighting the importance of protecting infants and young children from vaccine-preventable diseases. This year, NIIW is observed from April 24-30. NIIW is an opportunity for healthcare providers, public health professionals, and immunization partners to work with parents, caregivers, and communities to ensure families catch up and stay on track with children’s routine checkups and recommended vaccinations following disruptions from COVID-19. Read a new PHF Pulse blog post with resources and action steps for this observance.
Recently Released: Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 14th Edition "The Pink Book"

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to routine vaccines. During NIIW, you can help to ensure infants and children are current with recommended vaccines by using best practices outlined in Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 14th Edition – “The Pink Book.” The 14th edition contains updated immunization schedules; new catch-up schedules; information on vaccine timing, spacing, and dosing; and vaccine minimum age and intervals. Order a copy of The Pink Book today.
Easy Access to Long COVID and Other COVID-19 Training

COVID-19 trainings remain essential as the pandemic continues to affect individuals and families all over the world. Learn more about long COVID, a wide range of health problems people may experience more than four weeks after infection, in a monthly webinar series highlighting best practices and models of care for long COVID symptoms. You also can use PHF’s live searches available through the TRAIN Learning Network to access new and updated trainings on COVID-19 vaccinations, contact tracing and case investigation, and infection control.
Subscribe to the Journal of Public Health Management & Practice and Save

Subscribe now and save 50% on the Journal of Public Health Management & Practice (JPHMP). The leading source of practical information and peer-reviewed research for the public health workforce, JPHMP focuses on evidence-based public health practice and research and publishes on a wide range of population health topics. Visit and use PHF's exclusive promo code WMK186AA at checkout to subscribe today.
Register Now for the 2022 Public Health Improvement Training

Registration is now open for the annual Public Health Improvement Training (PHIT) which will be held virtually from June 6-8, 2022. Highlighting the adaptability and resilience of the public health performance improvement workforce, this year’s theme is Leading with Performance Improvement in Times of Change. A new group discount is also available this year if health departments have five employees register at the same time. Registration closes June 1, 2022. Learn more about this event and register today.
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Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Events
National Minority Health Month
April 1-30, 2022

National Infant Immunization Week
April 24-30, 2022

American Public Health Association 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo
Abstracts due April 30, 2022.

National Tribal Public Health Summit 2022 (Virtual)
May 9-12, 2022

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Virtual Training
May 17-19, 2022 from 3-7pm EDT
June 7-9, 2022 from 1-5pm EDT

Public Health Improvement Training (Virtual)
June 6-8, 2022

7th National Summit on the Social Determinants of Health
October 2-4, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN


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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (April 2022)