Resources for Your CDC Infrastructure Grant Application

Many state, territorial, and local health departments are gearing up to apply for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) CDC-RFA-OE22-2203, Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems. One of the key principles outlined in the NOFO is that partnerships are critical to success. The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is poised to partner with health departments to help them maximize this single most significant federal government investment to date in improving the capacity of our nation’s public health system.

PHF’s core strengths in workforce development, performance management, and quality improvement closely align with the activities of the NOFO. During the past 10 years, PHF has provided direct technical support in these areas to more than 500 health departments. PHF is currently collaborating with several health departments as they prepare their applications. Ideas for proposed activities, technical assistance partnerships in workforce assessment and development, and TRAIN Learning Network Affiliate partnerships are a few of the ways PHF is helping.

See the latest PHF Pulse blog post or contact Mike Barry to learn more. Also, be on the lookout for a direct e-mail to state epidemiologists and accreditation coordinators and local health officers in eligible jurisdictions, which will include a link to schedule “Office Hour” visits with PHF team leaders.