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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (June 2024)

Related Categories: Inside PHF, Performance Management, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement, PHF News, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Date: 6/27/2024

​Public health news, resources, tools, and information to improve organizational performance, equip the workforce, and build public health infrastructure.​​

​PHF E-News: News for Public Health

Register Now for the 2024 Public Health Learning Forum

October 15-18, 2024

The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is excited to announce that registration is open for the 2024 Public Health Learning Forum! The theme for this year’s virtual Forum is, "Workforce Development In Action." Sessions will focus on training and tools to support public health workforce development and build governmental public health workforce capacity. Explore topics such as the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies), academic health department partnerships, workforce capacity assessments, and more. Register on the TRAIN Learning Network (TRAIN) and preview meeting content.

Explore CDC Continuing Education Opportunities Available on TRAIN

More than 190 new courses offering continuing education (CE) credits from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been posted on TRAIN since January 2024. Learners can now complete all of the required steps to obtain CE credits in one place. Explore available opportunities for CE credits from CDC on TRAIN today.

Health Department Efforts to Champion Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) are key principles in achieving equitable health outcomes. In a recent blog post, PHF highlights Jade Ramsdell from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and her work promoting DEIJ in the State’s public health sector and leading initiatives to address health disparities. Read the full blog post today.

Reducing Barriers to Training for Community Health Workers

Community health workers play an important role in addressing health disparities and in supporting our public health and healthcare systems. To increase access and reduce barriers to training, the New Mexico Department of Health, Office of Community Health Workers (OCHW), developed competency-based training in English and Spanish that is available on TRAIN. Read more about how New Mexico is helping to meet community needs through CHW online training.

Striving for the Minimum Package of Public Health Services: The Northern Nevada Public Health Experience

In a new article from the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, learn how PHF and Northern Nevada Public Health collaborated to assess workforce capacity gaps and prioritize new positions needed to more fully provide Foundational Public Health Services. Read about the process and leave a comment with your thoughts and insights.

New Ways to Get the Most Out of Public Health Competencies

Are you interested in learning new ways to get the most out of public health competencies? In a new blog post by Sarah Auer, MPH, CHES, from the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, read how the Core Competencies served as a foundation for the Applied Epidemiology Competencies (AECs) and explore the new AEC toolkit and trainings. These tools and resources can be utilized with any competency set, including the Core Competencies. Read the PHF Pulse Blog.

Toolkit for Education Professionals to Help Children Get Up-to-Date on Routine Vaccinations

Routine vaccinations are crucial for school enrollment and are key to keeping families, children, and schools safe. The Let’s RISE toolkit, Ways Schools Can Support Routine Vaccination Catch-Up Among School-Aged Children, is available to help educational professionals support children being up-to-date on vaccination requirements using evidence-based strategies. The toolkit will be updated this summer with new resources and tools. Learn more and access the toolkit.

PHF Welcomes Dr. Kevin Watkins to Board of Directors

PHF is pleased to announce that Kevin Watkins, MD, MPH has been elected to the PHF Board of Directors, an eleven-member body comprised of state, tribal, and local public health officials, a local board of health member, and individuals from the academic, private sector, and other public health agency settings. Learn more about PHF’s newest board member and his dedication to public health practice.

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Events

2024 National Association of County and City Health Officials 360 Conference

July 23-26, 2024 in Detroit, MI

Learn more and register.

National Immunization Conference

August 12-14, 2024 in Atlanta, GA

Learn more and register.

Root Cause Coalition 2024 National Summit

October 6-8, 2024 in Baltimore, MD

Learn more and register.

2024 Public Health Learning Forum: Workforce Development In Action (Virtual)

October 15-18, 2024

Learn more and register.

American Public Health Association 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo

October 27-30 in Minneapolis, MN

Learn more.

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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (June 2024)