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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
PHF E-News: News for Public Health (July 2011)

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Performance Management and Quality Improvement (PMQI), Quality Improvement Demonstrations, TRAIN, Workforce Development, Workforce Development Demonstrations

Topic: Council on Linkages, Infrastructure, Performance Management and Quality Improvement, PHF News, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Date: 7/20/2011

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News from the

Public Health Foundation (PHF)


PHF E-News brings you the latest ideas and tools for improving public health under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


Build the Capacity of Your Public Health Agency Today Using Tools Developed Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)


ACAPublic health agencies are often forced to operate in a crisis mode, filled with disruptions on a regular basis from public health threats (e.g., H1N1 outbreak) and diminishing budgets to shifting priorities.


Learn about resources that you can use to enhance the capacity of your public health agency to manage and improve performance. 

Are You Tracking Staff Training to Assess Workforce Capacity?

Connecticut QI Training

The Connecticut Department of Public Health used learning management system data from TRAIN to determine a need for quality improvement training in their agency.  This prompted two half-day QI training workshops for managers, directors and Branch Chiefs to enhance their workforce capacity using quality improvement tools and methods from PHF.  The training, supported through the Prevention and Public Health Fund of the Affordable Care Act, improved work efficiencies and increased effectiveness across the organization.   


Learn how TRAIN can be used as a valuable tool for your health department to identify workforce development needs and track staff training progress over time.


Also, on our PHF Pulse Blog, Ilya Plotkin asks, "How does your organization track training?" 

Learn How to Adopt the First-Ever National Prevention Strategy in Your Community

National Prevention Council

Have you heard?  On June 16, the first ever National Prevention Strategy, called for under the Affordable Care Act, was created to help move the nation from a focus on sickness and disease to one based on prevention and wellness. By focusing on prevention, the National Prevention Strategy will help your community stay healthy and fit and improve our nation's prosperity.


PHF can help you get started in your efforts to support this strategy with resources, training, and technical assistance.

Join Practitioners and Academics to Improve Community Health


Hands TogetherAcademic Health Departments (AHDs) are bringing together the public health practice and academic communities to help improve public health education, practice, and research - essential to the success of health reform.


Find out how you can become involved in a growing Academic Health Department Learning Community of individuals who are developing, maintaining, and expanding AHDs in their jurisdictions.

Defining Performance Improvement Competencies for Public Health

Council on Linkages Logo

Public health organizations across the nation are using the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals developed by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice to meet their workforce development needs.


Discover how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used the Core Competencies to determine the competencies for health department Performance Improvement Managers.    


This message is a service of the Public Health Foundation.

Our mission: We improve the public's health by strengthening the quality and performance of public health practice.  

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In This Issue

- Build the Capacity of Your Public Health Agency Today Using Tools Developed Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

- Are You Tracking Staff Training to Assess Workforce Capacity?

- Learn How to Adopt the First-Ever National Prevention Strategy in Your Community

- Join Practitioners and Academics to Improve Community Health

- Defining Performance Improvement Competencies for Public Health

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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (July 2011)