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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
PHF E-News: News for Public Health (October 2011)
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News from the

Public Health Foundation (PHF)


PHF E-News brings you the latest ideas and tools to address the role of workforce development in the public health accreditation process.  
Establish Partnerships to Develop Your Public Health Workforce and Meet Accreditation Standards
The recent launch of national public health department accreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board highlights the importance of maintaining a competent public health workforce. Key to building a sufficient and qualified public health workforce is providing high-quality education to future workers and opportunities for students to explore public health practice - two areas in which the Academic Health Department Learning Community can help health departments succeed.  
Develop a Strong Workforce Development Plan with the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals 
As health departments begin to assess staff competencies and craft workforce development plans under Domain 8 of the Public Health Accreditation Board Standards and Measures for public health department accreditation, the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals offer a solid foundation on which to base these activities. 
The Core Competencies may be used by health departments to begin understanding levels of staff competence, identifying gaps in competence, and formulating workforce development plans that meet staff training needs.
Use a Quality Improvement Tool to Identify Workforce Development Needs: Prioritization Matrix

At two recent conferences, PHF President Ron Bialek and Senior Quality Advisor John W. Moran led sessions on how to align health department priorities with core competency development through use of a prioritization matrix, a trusted quality improvement tool. This is the first time a prioritization matrix has been used in conjunction with the core competencies model.
A prioritization matrix helps teams narrow down options by comparing choices in the context of key criteria. Prioritizing the best method of cooking tasty popcorn was used as a teaching example so participants could grasp how to assign a weighted score to multiple options to make an informed decision.  
Maintain a Competent Public Health Workforce through TRAIN
PHF's learning management system, TRAIN, has the tools to assist you in preparing and successfully meeting the Domain 8 requirements of accreditation.  Through TRAIN, the nation's premier learning management system designed specifically for professionals who protect and improve the public's health, affiliate states and their respective health departments can track training that has been offered and completed by agency staff.
TRAIN also provides managers and employers with the ability to identify training gaps and meet the training needs of their public health workforce.
See PHF's Presentations and Exhibit Booth at the APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, DC 
Attending APHA's 139th Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, DC?  PHF is presenting several topics, materials, and tools that demonstrate our work in public health workforce development and quality improvement.
Be sure to stop by PHF's booth in the exhibit hall, #6047, to pick up the latest resources that will help you with your accreditation, workforce development, and quality improvement efforts.  You can also make a free cutomized luggage tag while you browse.  
We look forward to seeing you in DC.
In Our Next Issue...
Stay tuned for the next issue of PHF E-News, which will cover more details on our activities at this year's American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, DC.  This year's theme is "Healthy Communities Promote Healthy Minds & Bodies."
What to look for:
  • Helpful workforce development and quality improvement materials, including white papers and tools
  • Information on accreditation assistance
  • PHF's exhibit booth in the Public Health Expo, #6047
  • A schedule of workforce development and quality improvement presentations from PHF
  • Giveaways and special offers, only available at PHF's exhibit booth
This message is a service of the Public Health Foundation.

Our mission: We improve the public's health by strengthening the quality and performance of public health practice.  
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In This Issue

- Establish Partnerships to Develop Your Public Health Workforce and Meet Accreditation Standards

- Develop a Strong Workforce Development Plan with the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals

- Use a Quality Improvement Tool to Identify Workforce Development Needs: Prioritization Matrix

- Maintain a Competent Public Health Workforce through TRAIN

- See PHF's Presentations and Exhibit Booth at the APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, DC

- In Our Next Issue

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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (October 2011)