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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (September 2011)

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Learning Resource Center (LRC), Performance Management and Quality Improvement (PMQI), TRAIN, Workforce Development

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement, PHF News, Strategic Planning, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Date: 9/6/2011

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News from the

Public Health Foundation (PHF)


PHF E-News brings you the latest ideas and tools to address the role of quality improvement in the public health accreditation process.  
The Tools You Need to Prepare for Public Health Accreditation - Domain 9 Standards
Health Departments are beginning to prepare and compile materials for the Public Health Accreditation Board's voluntary accreditation program set to launch on September 14, 2011.  PHF has the tools to help you prepare for and successfully meet the requirements of Domain 9: evaluate and continuously improve health department process, programs, and interventions.
Training Your Workforce on Accreditation and Quality Improvement
Quality improvement and accreditation are invaluable within the field of public health in both its development and advancement.  Until now, there has not been a national accreditation program to confirm that public health departments are providing and constantly advancing the quality of services delivered to their communities.  State, tribal, and local health departments throughout the country have been experiencing great enthusiasm for this new national accreditation program. 
Through TRAIN, you can utilize TRAIN's features to identify, access, take, and post training on both accreditation and quality improvement 
Test Drive the Newly Enhanced Public Health Improvement Resource Center

The Public Health Improvement Resource Center contains more than 300 resources and tools for evaluating and building the public health capacity, including numerous resources to support health departments preparing for public health accreditation.  New and improved features, including an advanced search page where you can search by accreditation domain, were just introduced to make discovering resources quick and easy.  
Add Quality Improvement Books to Your Reading List
By effectively using quality improvement tools and techniques, you can improve your community's health. PHF offers several resources that promote improving the quality of programs and interventions. Among these are: The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook, an anthology of chapters written by quality improvement experts that presents methods and techniques to maximize outcomes and expand collaboration efforts, and Quality Function Deployment & Lean Six Sigma Applications in Public Health, which is designed to help public health agencies implement quality improvement while using limited resources.
Visit PHF's Online Store for more quality improvement resources.
In Our Next Issue...
Stay tuned for next month's issue of PHF E-News, which will cover Domain 8 of the PHAB Standards. Domain 8 addresses the need for a trained, competent health department workforce to ensure effective public health practice.
Articles will focus on how health departments can:
This message is a service of the Public Health Foundation.

Our mission: We improve the public's health by strengthening the quality and performance of public health practice.  
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In This Issue

- The Tools You Need to Prepare for Domain 9 of Accreditation

- Training Your Workforce on Accreditation and Quality Improvement

- Test Drive the Newly Enhanced Public Health Improvement Resource Center

- Add Quality Improvement Books to Your Reading List

- In Our Next Issue

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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (September 2011)