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PHF E-News Reader Poll: Vote Now

Related Categories: Inside PHF

Topic: PHF News

Date: 3/16/2012

​Tell us what matters most to you by voting in our PHF E-News Reader Poll.

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Leon Vinci


This is very important: because the disconnect between academic research and practice is huge. There are SO many potential applications and benefits that the 'front-line' could use; but, the info is buried at the research level. Also, researchers/academia often do not understand/see the link for front-line implementation, etc. Lastly: often academics lag behind what paractice may be doing as well (More practitioners should be recruited by schools to teach students)

Patricia Frazak


I work with everyone who contacts our local health department who wants to serve as a student/intern and volunteer. In conjunction with this, I want to support our PHNS in being great preceptors and PHNs. I spend most of my time working on fetal and infant mortality in my county. One goal is to find systems-level solution that support women, children & families and prevent poor birth outcomes

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PHF E-News Reader Poll: Vote Now