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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
PHF E-News Reader Poll: Vote Now

Related Categories: Inside PHF

Topic: PHF News

Date: 5/7/2012

​Tell us what matters most to you by voting in our PHF E-News Reader Poll.  We will use your responses and comments to provide more targeted content in upcoming issues of PHF E-News.  You can subscribe to PHF E-News by entering your email address in the "Subscribe to PHF" box in the right margin of the web page.


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Please tell us why you voted the way you did. Leave a comment by clicking the "Add A Comment" link below.


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Ann Ligi


My organization had started down the path of QI/QM by bringing in QM subject matter experts but then in response to its federal funding agency shifted to focus on QA policy compliance with no integration ofspecific QI activities.

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PHF E-News Reader Poll: Vote Now