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PHF Elects New Board Members

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Topic: PHF News

Three New Board members were selected at PHF June 2011 Board Meeting.

Claude-Alix Jacob, MPH, BA, Chief Public Health Officer, Cambridge (MA) Public Health Department .  In this post, he oversees operations of the Cambridge Public Health Department, including public health planning, regulatory activities, and delivery of public health nursing, school health, community health, emergency preparedness, environmental health, and epidemiology services.  Mr. Jacob currently serves on the board of the National Association of County and City Health Officials, the Boston Advisory Board of the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship,
Moses Carey, JD, MSPH, Secretary of Administration, Office of the Governor of the State of North Carolina.  He has spent most of his professional career in public health in Florida and North Carolina.  He was appointed in January 2009 by Governor Bev Perdue to chair (CEO) the North Carolina Employment Security Commission.  In this role he directed more than 1500 employees in 89 offices across the State and managed over $1.3 Billion in serving the employment related and workforce development needs of North Carolina residents. In March 2010, he was appointed by governor Perdue as Secretary of the State Department of Administration, which serves as the business manager for the state.
Patrick O’Carroll, MD, MPH, Regional Health Administrator for Region X, Seattle (States: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington)
of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS).  RADM Patrick O’Carroll, a career Commissioned Office in the U. S. Public Health Service (USPHS), has served as Regional Health Administrator for Region X since January 2003.  As RHA, Dr. O’Carroll serves as the Region’s senior physician and scientist representing the Assistant Secretary for Health, the Secretary, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


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PHF Elects New Board Members