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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
TRAIN: 2013 Year in Review

Related Categories: TRAIN

Topic: TRAIN

Date: 12/24/2013

TRAIN, the Public Health Foundation’s learning management network (LMN) for professionals who protect and improve the public’s health, continues growing with new learners, courses, and affiliates (states, national organizations, public health training centers, and/or educational institutions who have purchased a customized TRAIN portal). As of December 1, almost 130,000 new accounts were created and over 300 new course providers registered to post trainings to TRAIN during 2013. Currently, TRAIN has over:
  • 762,260 registered learners
  • 3,900 course providers
  • 29,000 active courses
TRAIN also welcomed two new affiliates: HRSA TRAIN (the Health Resources and Services Administration, a national organization whose TRAIN portal launch is pending) and Indiana TRAIN. Through TRAIN’s collaborative network of 25 states and three national organizations (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), and HRSA), affiliates gain access to courses/trainings posted from nationally recognized course providers and can share their own trainings/courses with other TRAIN affiliates. Additionally, health departments in affiliate states can use TRAIN’s functions and features to strengthen their applications for public health department accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). By linking both state and national affiliates, participant organizations are able to partner in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering and managing workforce development efforts.
The expansion of TRAIN indicates the growing interest that state health departments, public health training centers, educational institutions, and national organizations have with a LMN that spans across jurisdictional borders. TRAIN is the most comprehensive learning resource for public health professionals and the sole solution available that offers affiliates the ability to create and assign training plans specific to positions or employees using existing courses, track learner training in their jurisdictions, generate customized reports, and utilize pre- and post-assessment measures and evaluations. More importantly, organizations save time and money by avoiding duplication of resources. 
Create a TRAIN account today and join over 760,000 learners who are improving their public health knowledge. If your organization is interested in posting courses to TRAIN or joining the largest public health learning management network, please contact the TRAIN Team via the TRAIN inquiry form


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TRAIN: 2013 Year in Review