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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
TRAIN Accreditation Webinar

Related Categories: TRAIN

Topic: TRAIN

Date: 2/24/2012

TRAIN, the nation’s premier learning management system for professionals and volunteers who protect the public’s health, would like to invite public health professionals involved with accreditation and performance improvement to attend the final webinar in the three-part series focusing on accreditation. Public Health Accreditation & Competency Based Learning: A Model Based on the TRAIN Learning Management System (Webinar 3) will be held on March 20, 2012 at 2-3 pm ET.
Launched by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) on September 14, 2011, PHAB’s public health department accreditation process seeks to advance quality and performance within public health departments. Accreditation standards define the expectations for all public health departments that seek to become accredited. National public health department accreditation has been developed because of the desire to improve service, value, and accountability to stakeholders.1
Accreditation through PHAB provides a means for a department to identify performance improvement opportunities, to improve management, develop leadership, and improve relationships with the community. The process is one that will challenge the health department to think about what business it does and how it does that business. It will encourage and stimulate quality and performance improvement in the health department. It will also stimulate greater accountability and transparency.1
TRAIN’s one-hour webinar will focus on identifying the impact of effectiveness and efficiency of learning management systems (LMS) on accreditation workforce development efforts, including a human resources perspective. Topics such as Just-In-Time Training (JITT), human resource tracking needs, and costs savings analyses will be discussed and demonstrated.  Scheduled presenters include Chris Stan, Connecticut Department of Public Health, and Sue Tedford, Murphy Training Solutions. 

Webinar Objectives
At the end of this webinar, the participant will be able to: 

  • Differentiate between a course evaluation and a course assessment to describe how course evaluations can provide valuable feedback crucial to quality improvement of instruction and assessments can promote professional competencies in the online training environment.
  • Explain the linkage between human resource tracking needs in assocation with a learning management system (LMS) training plan.
  • Associate cost savings in utilization of a learning management system (LMS) in the delivery and tracking of workforce development curricula.
  • Discover the way identifying training needs at an agency level results into the annual training needs assessment.
  • Acquire information on how an agency reports compliancy with state-mandated training requirements.

Register on TRAIN today as seating is limited! To register, click here and select the “Registration” tab, which will prompt you to either login to TRAIN if you already have an account or create a new account if you do not have a TRAIN account.
If there are questions regarding the webinar, please contact Lois Banks (
1. Public Health Accreditation Board. Accessed November 10, 2011.


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TRAIN Accreditation Webinar