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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
TRAIN Reaches the 600,000th Learner Mark

Related Categories: TRAIN

Topic: TRAIN

Date: 11/12/2012

As of October, 2012, the TRAIN Community has crossed the 600,000 learner mark.  This is a major milestone for TRAIN, the nation’s premier learning management system for professionals and volunteers who protect the public’s health.  In just nine months over 100,000 learners have registered on TRAIN after the 500,000 learner mark was passed in January 2012.


TRAIN is constantly growing as it strives to be the one-stop shop for the public health workforce, allowing providers who post trainings to market to a large public health audience at no cost.   There are currently 29 affiliates which include 25 states and 4 national organizations.  Almost 4,000 course providers have posted over 29,000 courses/trainings on various public health topics such as: nutrition, infectious diseases/immunizations, maternal/child health, and more. 


The TRAIN Community has reached this milestone with the participation and support of all TRAIN learners!  We extend our gratitude and thanks to all of you.


In order for TRAIN to continue its growth and increase public health workforce capacity, we need your help!  If you have colleagues or friends who need to earn continuing education credit or want to enhance their public health knowledge, please direct them to TRAIN so they can embark upon training today!  Remember, the majority of credit-earning opportunities are free, making TRAIN the ideal solution to maintaining licensure and/or building public health knowledge and skills.


Become a member of the TRAIN Community and create a TRAIN account today! 


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TRAIN Reaches the 600,000th Learner Mark