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Kaye Bender: PHAB Seeks Comments on Proposed Accreditation Standards and Measures Revisions

Date: 7/23/2013 2:21 PM

Tag: Accreditation

Kaye Bender, PhD, RN, FAAN, President and CEO, Public Health Accreditation Board
The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) needs your help. Revisions to the accreditation standards and measures are now out for public review and comment in Proposed Version 1.5 (PDF). PHAB is a consensus organization, so the more comments, the better. Please help us to improve the accreditation program with your participation. Read more about the proposed revisions to the standards and measures in the Special Edition of the PHAB E-Newsletter. Comments will be accepted until August 9, 2013.
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Ron Bialek


Reaching out to the broad public health community for feedback and new ideas, and engaging in continuos quality improvement. PHAB certainly is demonstrating that it practices what it preaches. Thank you Kaye and all of PHAB for your ongoing leadership to elevate the stature and performance of governmental public health!

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