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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Brenda Nickel: Revitalizing Performance Management Efforts in Kansas

Date: 7/13/2012 11:00 AM

Related Categories: Performance Management and Quality Improvement (PMQI)

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement

Tag: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Performance Management, Turning Point

Brenda Nickel is the Performance Management Director & Accreditation Coordinator for the Center for Performance Management at the Kansas Department of Health & Environment


The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is one of many health departments in the process of revitalizing performance management efforts as a result of the National Public Health Improvement Initiative. We had been making strides in our efforts when the Public Health Foundation (PHF) requested examples of performance management applications, and I was able to share our work and review other current examples of performance management applications from state and local health departments. This review exercise helped further our revitalization process because I was able to adapt the Turning Point Performance Management System Framework, a very conceptual model, and operationalize it using our agency's past and current performance management efforts. As the Kansas Department of Health and Environment continues to be more effective and efficient in working across three Divisions and prepare for accreditation, the one-page performance application document we developed will be a visual tool to illustrate for staff and partners how the Turning Point work done previously guides and builds our future endeavors. Our revitalized performance management framework will be incredibly helpful in the coming months as we work with PHF’s QI Expert Jack Moran on quality improvement planning and accreditation readiness activities.


Kansas uses an adapted version of the Turning Point Performance Management System Framework to engage employees, and it serves to guide, measure, and improve the agency’s efficiency and effectiveness of services.

View Kansas’ one-page overview and access additional performance management application examples from local and state health departments, which share how they have successfully applied a customized approach to strategically improve agency performance to better serve and improve the health of the community.


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Julia Gray


Ty, thank you for your comment. We would be happy to link to and share your performance management system illustration and related resources on our website. Please contact me at

Ty Kane (Sedgwick County Health Department


Thanks for sharing this resource. This framework may help us improve a similar performance management system illustration we have been developing.

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