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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Performance Management Toolkit
​​​​​​​​​​An updated Performance Management Toolkit is currently in development with estimated release in September, 2024

Welcome to the Public Health Performance Management Toolkit

Performance management is a systematic process that helps an organization achieve its mission and strategic goals. PHF produces and provides resources and tools, including case stories, white papers, and customized technical assistance, that can help individuals and organizations move from learning to application. The purpose of this toolkit is to help people understand performance management and how to develop successful performance management systems.

This toolkit was designed to respond to an organization's needs regardless of where that specific organization is on the road to effective performance management. The toolkit contains two main sections:
1. Approaches to Performance Management:
The pages in this section provide information and resources to develop and continuously improve your performance management system:

Getting Started with Performance Management offers resources to help organizations start internal conversations about building or improving a performance management system.
Performance Management Self-Assessment is a tool to help teams determine the value of and gaps in their performance management system with regard to helping them achieve their objectives and continually improving their performance.
Continuous Improvement of Performance Management Systems explores how to maintain a robust performance management system over time and keep it relevant in an evolving environment.
Examples of Performance Management in Practice illustrate how health departments have developed and applied performance management in their organizations. 

2. Performance Management System Framework Components and Resources:
The pages in this section explore the components of the Public Health Performance Management System Framework, which depict some of the practices by which performance management can be achieved. This Toolkit includes pages devoted to each of the five components and related resources as follows:

About the Performance Management System Framework offers an overview of the components in the Public Health Performance Management System Framework.
Visible Leadership is the commitment of senior management to a culture of quality that aligns performance management practices with the organization’s mission, regularly takes into account customer feedback, and enables transparency about performance between leadership and staff.
Performance Standards are the establishment of organizational or system standards, targets, and goals to improve public health practices. Standards may be set based on national, state, or scientific guidelines, benchmarking against similar organizations, the public’s or leaders’ expectations, or other methods.
Performance Measurement is the development, application, and use of performance measures to assess achievement of performance standards.
Reporting Progress is the documentation and reporting of how standards and targets are met, and the sharing of such information through appropriate feedback channels.
Quality Improvement is the establishment of a program or process to manage change and achieve quality improvement in public health policies, programs, or infrastructure based on performance standards, measures, and reports.​

Performanace Management Toolkit FAQsHave questions about using the peformance management toolkit? The Performance Management Toolkit FAQs document is comprised of questions and related answers from users of the toolkit who are trying to navigate performance management at their orgnanzations. PHF is sharing these questions so that others can benefit from learning about issues their colleagues have experienced in developing and improving performance management systems.


Need training or technical assistance for your agency?

PHF offers a dynamic, one-day training entitled Building and Improving a Performance Management System that provides hands-on assistance in developing a sustainable performance management system. Explore the full range of PHF’s training and technical assistance services.

Contact Us
Have questions about performance management for PHF’s experts? Looking for performance management technical assistance and training at your organization? Have a resource, tool, or case story to suggest for the Performance Management Toolkit? Email  

This Performance Management Toolkit was made possible through funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under Cooperative Agreement 1U38OT000211-01. The contents of this toolkit are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the sponsor.​ 
Performance Management Toolkit