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Evaluate – Process Evaluation
Process evaluation focuses on determining whether the elements involved in the training development and delivery process were adequately conducted. Considering whether each of the necessary elements of training was performed, and the quality with which that was done, falls within the scope of process evaluation.
Strategies and Methods
  • Plan for evaluation
    • Identify key measures and indicators to evaluate
    • Choose data analysis technique(s) appropriate to the target audience for evaluation (see Evaluation – Reporting Evaluation Results)
    • Assign individual responsibilities for evaluation
      • Establish evaluation team, if appropriate
  • Collect qualitative and quantitative data on how well the items in the previous sections of this guide were addressed and the methods used
    • Use a checklist for data collection
    • Determine if the target audience was reached and participated in each component of the training (use and dose)
      • Numbers
      • Professional roles
      • Experience levels
      • Diversity
    • Determine if all elements of training were delivered as intended (fidelity)
      • Establish a protocol for trainers
      • Have a trainers’ manual/guide
      • Observe the trainer
    • Determine costs to develop and deliver training
      • Trainer/facilitator fees
      • Facility/AV costs
      • Costs of training materials
  • Analyze data collected
    • Determine which items/processes were implemented well
    • Identify areas for improvement
    • Suggest actions that can be taken to improve items/processes
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Evaluate – Process Evaluation