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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Lead Poisoning Prevention
Image of children huddled together and smiling


​​​​​​​​​According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 4 million homes with young children in the U.S. contain deteriorated lead-based paint and elevated levels of lead-contaminated house dust. Although public health policies at the state and national levels have dramatically reduced lead exposure, cities and municipalities across the U.S. still struggle with hundreds, sometimes thousands of cases of childhood lead poisoning. Lead poisoning has serious health impacts on children, including changes in brain development, poor academic achievement, and a range of behavioral issues, that perpetuates a cycle of poor health outcomes in already vulnerable communities.

In 2020, the Public Health Foundation (PHF) completed a comprehensive review of the Milwaukee Health Department Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP), which included a review of case files, policies, procedures, protocols, and the mapping and analysis of processes and workflows. PHF identified and reviewed governing statutes, regulations, ordinances, and municipal codes; standards and guidance from CDC, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and the Public Health Accreditation Board; evidence-based interventions from the literature; and standards from other jurisdictions. PHF presented an interim report to the Milwaukee Common Council while the review was in progress.

Milwaukee Common Council Steering and Rules Committee on 11/14/2019 – PHF Interim Presentation

PHF developed a final report that included a summary analysis, 17 recommendations for consideration, and a variety of resources and innovative ideas for the City to consider. The report was presented to the Milwaukee Common Council, a variety of committees, and state and national officials.​​​

Milwaukee Common Council Steering and Rules Committee on 6/22/2020  PHF Final Presentation

In 2022, PHF was invited to conduct a follow-up review​ of the CLPPP, which included an evaluation of how the recommendations have been implemented and how the program has improved over time.​

Milwaukee Common Council Steering and Rules Committee on 2/1​4/2022  PHF Follow-Up Presentation

Resources for a Successful Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

For more information about PHF’s work or to discuss improving your jurisdiction’s lead poisoning prevention program, contact Nolan Gill at​​
Lead Poisoning Prevention