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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Adoption and Use of Evidence-Based Practices in Public Health: Success Stories from PHF’s “I’m Your Community Guide!” Contest


​In June 2011, the Public Health Foundation’s “I’m Your Community Guide!” Contest helped to identify model practices for implementing the evidence-based strategies outlined in the Guide to Community Preventive Services (Community Guide).  Fourteen success stories were entered into the contest, which were then independently scored by a panel of judges to determine the best examples of Community Guide use.   The top three scoring entries were:
3rd Place:
Tobacco Free for Good (Katherine Riddle, Whidbey General Hospital)
State, tribal, local, and territorial health departments; community health coalitions; and other organizations were encouraged to share stories on how they have used the findings and recommendations outlined in the Community Guide to improve the health of their community.
The top three prize-earning submissions above, along with the complete collection of stories, can be viewed in the resource PDF at the top of this page.  A complete database of contest entries is also available.


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