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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
After Action Report Tool


An After Action Report (AAR) is a detailed critical summary or analysis of a past event, created to re-assess decisions and consider possible alternatives for future scenarios. AARs can help summarize and categorized notes taken during and throughout an event, and provide participants with early and tangible lessons to the response of an event. AARs can be used for both planned and unplanned events, including table-top exercises or drills and real-world events, and are commonly used for public health emergency preparedness and response. AARs can also be used to fulfill requirements of Public Health Accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board.
Public Health Foundation (PHF) Senior Quality Advisor Jack Moran facilitated an AAR with the Tulsa Health Department (THD) to assess the mosquito control season and identify and implement interventions for the following mosquito season. The THD’s AAR is included as an example at the end of the tool. For more information and resources from PHF’s vector control work, see the Vector Control Program Performance Assessment and Improvement Initiative.
If you have questions about this tool or how to apply it for your use, please contact Vanessa Lamers, Assistant Director of Performance Management and Quality Improvement at
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