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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Sedgwick County Health Department Storyboard - Improved Customer Experience


Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) in Kansas identified improving customer experience with the West Central Entrance as one of the eight improvement areas to address in an effort to develop a culture of QI at the agency.
AIM Statement
By January 2011, increase client’s ability to navigate the West Central Clinic successfully upon entrance by measuring survey results.

West Central customers and providers made informal comments about the clinic's entrance being difficult to navigate. The current approach was that signs were posted but were very limited and often covered when customers entered the clinic.  At peak times and when staffing allowed, a staff member would greet customers to help them find the appropriate location.
The following were all identified as possible solutions:
• Status quo
• Change/add signage
• Play video on a loop to give directions
• Rearrange current check-in counters
• Remodel entrance area (add additional entrance/exit doors)
Changes that were implemented include:
• Increase and improve the signage in the entrance area
• Change the location of current signage for better visibility

Test the Theory:
•  Collect current customer data via a pre survey – October 25 – November 12
•  Identify and finalize changes that will be made by November 10
•  Implement Changes at West Central – November  15 – 17
•  Collect customer data via post survey – November 18 – December 17
•  Analyze data and produce final report – December 20 – January 10
An increase in customer satisfaction based on the following questions was graphed.
Question 1 -  How easy was it to determine where I needed to go once I entered the clinic lobby?
Question 2 -  Have you been to the west central clinic in the last 30 days?
The changes to the signage at West Central have been made permanent and no future plans for a change have been planned at this time.
Establish Future Plans
SCHD will continue to evaluate the clinic entrance flow to ensure the best possible outcomes. 



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