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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Using TRAIN for Research: Your Guide for Using the TRAIN Datasets for Research Webinar


Duration: 15 Minutes

This webinar, made available through funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundationoutlines how the TRAIN learning management system (LMS) can be utilized by researchers to study the public health workforce and expand the Public Health Systems and Services Research (PHSSR) agenda. The webinar explains what TRAIN is, the three datasets available to researchers, and the process of obtaining access to study the datasets.

It is important to note that the three available datasets are separate, even though they all contain data from the TRAIN LMS. Because they have no common element to link them in, for example, an Excel table, they cannot be linked via Excel, SAS, or SPSS easily. It would be possible to link them together through a Microsoft Access functionality. The datasets can, however, with some work and creativity, be linked to other, external datasets (ex., ASTHO profiles) where there exist common elements (ex., demographic data, course data, etc.).

  • Describe the TRAIN Learning Management System
  • Summarize the three available TRAIN datasets
  • Demonstrate process for obtaining access to the three available TRAIN datasets

Recognizing that the needs of PHSSR extend beyond these three datasets, PHF invites researchers to request customized data from TRAIN to meet specific needs. Requested data can include any fields in TRAIN related to workforce questions, but cannot include any potentially identifying information.


This webinar is also available on TRAIN as Course ID 1031939 and can be added to your TRAIN Transcript.


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