2018 Preparedness Summit, the first and longest running national conference on public health preparedness, will take place at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta from April 17-20. Led by the
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), sessions share resources, tools, and evidence-based practices that improve the nation's preparedness capacity. The theme for the 2018 Preparedness Summit is "Strengthening National Health Security: Mastering Ordinary Responses, Building Resilience for Extraordinary Events."
Attending this year's conference?
Join the Public Health Foundation's
TRAIN Learning Network team, which is presenting a Quick Hit session on "Building Preparedness Knowledge and Skills Across the Workforce and Volunteers in a Community: Applying the National Training Plan Approach." The presentation will review the development and revision of the
Foundations of Public Health Preparedness national training plan, and participants will explore applications of the training plan to their organizations and jurisdictions.
The date and time of the presentation will be available once it is announced.
Additionally, please join the TRAIN Learning Network in the exhibit hall at
booth #601, right between the two entrances, to learn how our collaborative partnership builds preparedness capacity across the nation.