Council on Linkages Meeting Summary
April 2014
Council on Linkages Previews Preliminary Draft of Revised Core Competencies
In September 2013, the Council on Linkages authorized the Core Competencies Workgroup to begin developing revisions to the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies). Feedback to guide the revision process was collected from the public health community through the end of December 2013, and the drafting of revisions began in January 2014. During the April 28th meeting, the process for developing revisions was described, and a preliminary draft of revisions to Tier 2 of the Core Competencies was discussed. As can be seen in the preliminary draft, the majority of the competencies have been changed in some way. Changes were most often made to clarify and simplify the wording of competencies and provide additional examples. In addition, competencies have been reordered within domains to create a more logical progression of skills, and new competencies have been added to capture new concepts or expand on existing concepts. Additional details about the preliminary revisions can be found on the PHF Pulse blog. Revisions to the competencies within Tier 2 will guide changes to Tiers 1 and 3, and comments on the preliminary draft of Tier 2 are being accepted online and by email to Kathleen Amos at [email protected] through May 14, 2014. Final drafts of revisions to all three tiers will be presented to the Council on Linkages for approval in June 2014. Following completion of the revisions, the Core Competencies Workgroup's focus will shift to providing resources and tools to help facilitate the transition to the new version of the Core Competencies. |
AHD Learning Community Needs Assessment Guiding Activities
In an effort to identify activities, topics, and resources desired by Academic Health Department (AHD) Learning Community members, a needs assessment was conducted in February 2014. Forty-nine people participated in the needs assessment, providing feedback on the AHD Learning Community's current activities and suggestions for new efforts. A summary of the results of the needs assessment is now available and shows interest in forming subgroups to explore specific topics, a mentorship program, and a listserv to facilitate communication. Higher priority resources include partnership agreement templates and more examples of partnership agreements, case stories and a list of existing AHD partnerships, and resources to generate buy-in for AHD partnerships. Information gathered is being used in planning future Learning Community activities. Results of the needs assessment will be discussed with the Learning Community at its meeting on June 27, 2014 (please note change in date), and development of a mentorship program will be the focus of the Learning Community's August 6, 2014 meeting.
In Other Business...
- The Council on Linkages welcomed John Lisco, MPH, CHES of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Sarah Linde, MD of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) as the new representatives for CDC and HRSA, respectively.
- The Council on Linkages approved minor revisions to its Strategic Directions, 2011-2015 to ensure that its activities continue to meet the needs of the public health community through 2015.
- The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is recruiting for a Project Assistant to join the Council on Linkages team. Full details can be found in the position announcement on the PHF website.
- The Examples of Core Competencies Use webpage has been reorganized and updated to improve access to examples of how public health organizations are using the Core Competencies in workforce development efforts. Submissions of examples and resources related to the Core Competencies, such as job descriptions and workforce development plans, that can be shared with the public health community are welcome by email to Kathleen Amos at [email protected].
- Information about the characteristics of AHDs is being gathered through a survey of AHD Learning Community members led by Paul Campbell Erwin, MD, DrPH of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and AHDs are featured in the May/June 2014 issue of the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice and the April 2014 Ned E. Baker Lecture in Public Health.
- While work on the Public Health Workers Survey report continues, data from the survey are being shared through presentations at events such as this year's Keeneland Conference and Association of American Medical Colleges' Health Workforce Research Conference.
- An online Public Health Training Impact resource is being constructed, with an initial version expected to be available on the Council on Linkages website by the end of May 2014.
- The draft report of the Public Health Workforce Development Inventory, which summarized Council on Linkages member organizations' activities to support development of the public health workforce, has not been released. Options for making this information available are being explored.
- The next meeting of the Council on Linkages will likely occur by conference call or webinar in the fall of 2014.
Additional information about the meeting, including the agenda and other meeting materials, is available on the meeting webpage.
Activities of the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice are supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Questions and comments may be emailed to Council on Linkages Project Manager Kathleen Amos at [email protected]. To ensure delivery of this email to your inbox, please add [email protected] to your address book. |