Rachel Stevens, EdD, RN, [on the right] has received the 2010 Presidents' Award from the National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH). Stevens is a member of the Chatham County (N.C.) Board of Health. The award was presented Aug. 11 at the board's 18th annual conference in Omaha, Nebraska.
Former deputy director of the N.C. Institute for Public Health, part of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, Stevens was a clinical instructor of public health nursing in the School before retiring in 2003.
Stevens, a resident of Chapel Hill, was recognized for her service as a local board of health member, past member of the NALBOH board of directors, NALBOH committee member, public health researcher, expert adviser, consultant, educator and mentor. Additionally, her dedication as a knowledgeable and passionate public health leader and servant made her uniquely qualified for this honor, according to the association.