Are you passionate about population health? Are you involved in developing and
implementing population health programs and services? Is community benefit work a core part of what you do? The newly released Competencies for Population Health Professionals (Population Health Competencies) are for you!
The Population Health Competencies are a set of skills desirable for population health professionals. Based on the
Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies), the Population Health Competencies are primarily designed for hospital, health system, public health, healthcare, and other professionals engaged in assessment of population health needs and development, delivery, and improvement of population health programs, services, and practices. This may include activities related to community health needs assessments, community health improvement plans, implementation of community-based interventions, and coalition building.
The Population Health Competencies align with the Core Competencies, a set of foundational skills for public health professionals, and can help strengthen the connection between public health and healthcare. These competencies can be used to guide population health workforce development efforts, including the creation of training, workforce development and training plans, academic curricula, job descriptions, performance objectives, tools, and other resources to support the activities and growth of population health professionals.
To support population health professionals and organizations in building the knowledge and skills described in the Population Health Competencies, two training plans are available through the
TRAIN Learning Network to accompany this competency set:
- Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Training Plan provides an overview of the social determinants of health (SDOH), supporting learners in developing knowledge and skills to describe fundamental aspects of SDOH, explain social contexts and effects of SDOH on specific populations, and apply SDOH knowledge to design targeted interventions for improving public health.
- Health Equity Learning Bundle provides frontline professionals with knowledge to better understand health equity and approaches that can help address related challenges.
Each of these training plans contains a series of curated courses selected from the TRAIN Learning Network’s thousands of quality training opportunities to specifically address a specialized topic. Learners can select from among the courses in the training plan to customize their learning experience to their needs.
We invite you to download a copy of the Population Health Competencies, begin using them, and let us know what you think. Your continued engagement and feedback will help ensure this competency set best meets the needs of the population health workforce. Questions about the Population Health Competencies, examples of how you are using them, and suggestions for resources and tools that will support those activities are also welcome. Subscribe to PHF E-News to stay informed about events, resources, and other updates related to the Population Health Competencies, and reach out to at
[email protected] me at any time to share your experiences and ideas.