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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Adoption and Use of Evidence-Based Practices in Public Health: 2012 Success Stories from PHF's "I'm Your Community Guide!" Contest


In February 2012, the Public Health Foundation (PHF) launched the 2012 “I’m Your Community Guide!” Contest to help identify model practices for implementing the evidence-based strategies outlined in the Guide to Community Preventive Services (Community Guide). Success stories were submitted into the contest from health departments, public health organizations, and others to highlight the impact that The Community Guide has had on their organization. The stories were independently scored by a panel of judges to determine the best examples of Community Guide use. The top three scoring entries were:
1st Place:
"The MCC Challenge" (Anna Notier, Michigan Cancer Consortium)
2nd Place:
"The Community Guide and Personalized Educational and Experiential Modules for Diabetes Management" (Janine Janosky, Center for Community Health Improvement, Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, Ohio)
3rd Place: 
"Together We Can! Create a Healthier Community" (Mary Kushion, Central Michigan District Health Department)
The top three prize-earning submissions above, along with the complete collection of stories, can be viewed in the resource PDF at the top of this page.  View the 2011 "I'm Your Community Guide!" Contest submissions.
Interested in viewing a case study on how a local health department implemented the evidence-based findings and recommendations from The Community Guide? Join us for Immunization Strategies: Using the Evidence and What Works to Improve Practice on August 22, 2012 at 2pm EDT to increase your knowledge of evidence-based strategies to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases. Register via TRAIN (course ID: 1034079) before the program air date on August 22nd.


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