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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Fostering a Culture of Immunization in Your Practice (Online Training)


​​​​​​​Vaccination is important at every stage of life, providing essential health benefits and contributing to individual well-being and public health. To support public health and healthcare professionals in increasing routine immunization coverage rates, the Public Health Foundation (PHF), in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), developed the self-guided online training, Fostering a Culture of Immunization in Your Practice.

This interactive training provides health professionals with practical strategies and resources to help create a positive culture of immunization in their clinics, ensuring the best possible care for patients and promoting vaccination efforts. From medical assistants to clinicians, the training describes workplace scenarios for involving the entire practice in communicating effectively about vaccination and implementing systems to ensure patients receive on-time vaccinations. It consists of 4 segments:

  • Lesson I – Fostering a Culture of Immunization
  • Lesson II – Importance of Immunization and Factors Impacting Vaccine Uptake
  • Lesson III – 5 Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Immunization
  • Scenario-Based Learning Activity

Upon completing this training, participants should be able to 

  • Identify strategies healthcare team members can use to successfully promote a positive culture of immunization.​
  • Describe the beneficial impact of vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases across a person's lifespan.  ​              
  • Describe strategies to provide comprehensive vaccine recommendations to patients, parents, and caregivers.      
  • Identify resources to facilitate vaccine conversations with patients, parents, and caregivers.          
  • Describe effective solutions which will enhance vaccination rates within the provider's scope of practice. 
  • Describe vaccine recommendations clearly and concisely, considering the understanding and concerns of patients, parents, and caregivers.

Visit the TRAIN Learning Network ​(Course ID WB4804) ​to complete the training and receive continuing education credit (CE). ​

When registering for the course in TRAIN, please select each type of CE you would like to apply for. To earn CE, you must pass the post-assessment and complete the evaluation by July 3, 2026.​​

Help us share this resource using the promotional toolkit​​​​,​​ which includes sample messaging for social media and newsletters, imagery, short video clips, and more.​

Additional resources:

Interested in additional immunization resources? Visit PHF's Immunization Center for tools, training, and educational materials for public health and healthcare professionals, or for questions, contact Gabrelle Taylor [email protected]


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