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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Core Competencies for Performance Improvement Managers


The Core Competencies for Performance Improvement Managers (PIMs) are a set of competencies for public health professionals in PIM positions.  Most of these positions in state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments have been funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Public Health Improvement Initiative (NPHII). PIMs work within their agencies to lead systems assessments, prepare the agencies for public health department accreditation, establish performance management systems, and coordinate quality improvement efforts. The competencies, developed by the CDC and NPHII partner organizations such as the Public Health Foundation, are based on the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals and were designed to guide NPHII professional development activities to help build the skills of PIMs.
Core Competencies for Performance Improvement Managers
  1. Implement organizational and system-wide strategies for continuous quality improvement
  2. Implement mechanisms to monitor and evaluate programs for their effectiveness and quality
  3. Use evaluation results to improve performance
  4. Integrate data and information to improve organizational processes and performance
  5. Use cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, and cost-utility analyses in programmatic
    prioritization and decision making
  6. Establish a performance management system
  7. Integrate systems thinking into public health practice (e.g., cross-programmatic, cross-organizational approaches)
  8. Ensure the measuring, reporting, and continuous improvement of organizational
These competencies were used to guide the development of workshops and learning sessions for the 2011 NPHII Grantee Meeting.


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