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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Building and Improving a Performance Management System
Learn the basics of Performance Management in a quality improvement environment that requires different performance standards, rewards structures, and feedback.
The goal of this interactive session is to give public health agency managers and staff practice working with a performance management (PM) system model so they can start to develop or improve an organization-wide PM system in their agency. Many agencies monitor population health data to assess needs, develop health improvement plans, suggest policies, or identify and respond to hazards. But few concurrently analyze operational performance data to improve performance of programs, services, and partnerships in ways that advance population health. Also, while many public health agencies have used quality improvement (QI) techniques to improve narrowly-defined processes, few have built upon that experience to use performance data systematically to make performance improvement part of their regular operations and culture. Interest in PM systems has increased with their inclusion in Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) standards. This workshop helps public health agencies act on that interest.
PHF experts present a PM system model organized as a “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (PDCA) QI cycle that incorporates the elements of the “Turning Point” framework for public health performance management as well as health assessments, health improvement plans, and strategic plans. Participants will use tools provided to develop draft goals, objectives, performance measures, and a QI Plan for a public health program. They will use a “driver-outcome” approach to focus measures and improvement plans on improving population health.  They will structure their sample program for reporting on performance and QI in an electronic Excel workbook they can use in their agencies for that and other programs. PHF experts then present a PDCA approach to deploying a PM system, and facilitate participants in identifying and grouping stakeholders in ways to help determine how best to engage each group for successful deployment.  Additional content and exercises will focus on reviewing and improving a PM system over time, including keeping performance measures relevant to the goals, objectives, and priorities of the agency and the population it serves.
Duration: 1 day plus 2 webinars

Ready to get started?
PHF is ready to assist. Contact Ron Bialek at (202)218-4420 or You can also submit your information online.



Building and Improving a Performance Management System