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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
CHIP Tune-up

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Managing the process to develop and implement a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is important for every health department. To realize the desired improvement results, the health department must involve community partners throughout the process. In many instances, community partners see the CHIP as the domain of the health department – just a planning process that they endure every few years. If the CHIP is not well-managed and regularly tuned-up, it loses momentum, becomes irrelevant to the community, and falls to the wayside.

This service is for the health department that has completed its CHIP and wants to assure plans move to action. This service includes:

  • Using quality improvement tools to help make the CHIP a true community health improvement tool
  • Identifying innovative solutions to get the CHIP off the shelf and into the community
  • Initiating collaborative action on the pressing CHIP health issues
  • Building communication plans to sell the CHIP throughout the community
  • Designing effective meetings to keep community partners engaged

Duration: Each element of this service can be delivered remotely in modules over days or weeks, or provided on-site.

Ready to get started?

The Public Health Foundation is ready to assist. Contact Ron Bialek at (202)-218-4420 or You can also submit your information online.

CHIP Tune-up