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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Facilitating Development of an Agency's Strategic Plan
Develop the basics of a strategic plan with on-site facilitation and monthly conference calls, and a final one-day session to finalize the plan.
Remote Consultation
  • Review vision and mission statements
  • Conduct self-assessment of the agency’s past strategic plan and accomplishments
  • Review the Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
  • Review Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Assessment
  • Scope out the current and future political and funding landscape
  • Identify core assumptions that will guide the agency over the next few years
  • Discuss current measurement system – data availability vs. data required
  • Advise the health director on the composition of the strategic planning team
  • Conduct a one-hour webinar with the strategic planning team to prepare for the first session

Days 1-2 (on-site)

  • Overview of strategic planning
  • Review of the agency assessment – briefing book
  • Discuss potential modifications to the vision or mission
  • SWOT analysis of the current reality
  • Prioritize the strategic goals to drive the agency forward
  • Understand the status of the top five strategic goals – baseline
  • For each of the five strategic goals, develop
    • Three-year objectives
    • One-year targets to be achieved
    • Measures to track the progress toward objectives and targets
    • Activities to be undertaken
  • Assign responsibilities for the tasks and timeline for completion
Day 3: Follow-up Activities (remote or on-site)
  • Review the draft strategic plan with staff and makes any modifications based on feedback
  • Finalize strategic plan and deploy to operating units for implementation
  • Review operational plans to ensure that they meet the needs of the strategic plan
  • Design and facilitate the first review process six months after the strategic plan’s deployment
  • Facilitate yearly self-assessments and strategic plan refreshing sessions as required

Duration: 1-3 days


Ready to get started?
PHF is ready to assist. Contact Ron Bialek at (202)218-4420 or You can also submit your information online.



Facilitating Development of an Agency's Strategic Plan