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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Modular kaizen Technical Assistance

Minimize disruptions by ensuring actions are executed only after checks are completed and a baseline as well as sustaining measurements of disruption are in place.




The Limited Information Collection Principle is based on the premise that a problem cannot be solved by throwing data at it. Instead, it is important to gather information that is useful and relevant, continually questioning what purpose the information serves. 

  • PHF’s QI experts work with the client using the Modular kaizen process by starting with “check” in the PDCA cycle to investigate and understand the situation to see if the disruption has a special cause or whether it is a normal variation of a standard process
  • The Limited Information Collection Principle guides data collection of performance measures to establish the severity and urgency of the disruption, estimate who and what is impacted, and estimate the disruption timeline
  • Action plans are developed, trialed, analyzed, implemented, and monitored

Duration: 2-3 days


Ready to get started?
PHF is ready to assist. Contact Margie Beaudry at (202)218-4415 or You can also submit your information online.










Modular kaizen Technical Assistance