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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Solving a Population Health Challenge
Public Health Agencies and Hospitals Building Strong, Healthy Communities and Neighborhoods
Improve outcomes and foster sustainable improvement to priority population health challenges.
Many public health agencies, hospitals, and health systems experience challenges in the transition from assessing and prioritizing population health needs (in either a Community Health Needs Assessment or an internal dashboard audit) to identifying and implementing innovations that achieve measurable improvements. This often is due to the complexity and longstanding nature of the health challenges being addressed and the need to create and manage solutions that involve diverse stakeholders.
Population Health Challenges Demand Comprehensive Solutions
The Public Health Foundation (PHF) will see that you move from assessing needs to implementing strategies that achieve results. PHF experts have helped over 500 public and private organizations solve improvement and performance problems of all types. Recognizing that public health agencies, hospitals, and communities have unique characteristics, we tailor our assistance to accelerate change; our population health experts customize their approach to fit with your organization's culture and priorities. 
What health challenge needs improvement? PHF will help you evaluate and prioritize population health challenges for immediate intervention
Are you ready for innovation? PHF experts will help you:
  • Understand and address the complex forces influencing change in your community
  • Assess your readiness to pursue the changes needed
How will you lead change and innovation? PHF will show you how to assume a leadership role beyond the walls of your organization so that you can:
  • Facilitate cross-sector initiatives that involve multiple community stakeholders
  • Develop the competencies to launch and lead an interdisciplinary change process
  • Develop a roadmap for bridging gaps in public health and population health competencies for key staff
  • Identify, convene, and manage stakeholder coalitions
What will you transform? PHF experts will help you to:
  • Map the drivers of change for a population health problem
  • Use strong partnerships that pave the way for population health improvements
What is your change plan? PHF will guide you in:
  • Developing and implementing shared strategies to address priority population health challenges
  • Establishing measures and targets that will indicate progress towards improvements in priority population health issues being addressed
  • Create effective change plans, real-time quality checks, and corrective actions to address the drivers of change
  • Communicating about your organization's and community's population health successes
  • Planning next steps for sustaining gains, expanding efforts and coalitions, and continuously improving strategies
Duration: Varies
Ready to get started?
PHF is ready to assist. Contact Ron Bialek at (202)218-4420 or for a free consultation to customize and activate this approach to meeting your organization's and community’s population health needs. You can also
submit your information online.



Solving a Population Health Challenge