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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
American Public Health Association 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition

Category: Focus Area

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Inside PHF, Learning Resource Center (LRC), PHF Online Store, Performance Management, Quality Improvement, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Location: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, 415 Summer Street, Boston

Start Date: 11/2/2013

End Date: 11/6/2013

The American Public Health Association (APHA) will be holding its 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition in Boston, MA on November 2–6, 2013 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The event will offer professionals and practitioners the opportunity to broaden their knowledge in public health, exchange information on best practices, and learn about the latest research and new trends. This year’s meeting theme is “Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices Around the World.”

The Public Health Foundation (PHF) will be omnipresent throughout the conference, leading discussions, holding meetings, conducting workshops, and sharing resources and tools with public health professionals. Mark your calendar to find PHF staff and participate during the following times and activities:


Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:50 AM – 9:10 AM
Session 3033.0: Making High-Yield Prevention Choices: The Intervention Selection Tool
Presenter: Margaret Beaudry, MA, Public Health Foundation

Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Session 3008.0: Workshop - How to Operationalize and Align Your Organization’s Workforce Development Plan to Achieve Desired Results
Presenters: John W. Moran, PhD, CQM, Public Health Foundation
Ron Bialek, MPP, Public Health Foundation
Amanda McCarty, WV Department of Health and Human Services

Monday, November 4, 2013: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Session 3141.0: Roundtable - Helping the Public Health Workforce Do More with Less
Presenter: Samantha Draper, Public Health Foundation
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Session 4013.0: Town Hall Meeting - Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals: Supporting a High-Performing Workforce
Presenter: Ron Bialek, MPP, Public Health Foundation

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
Session 4075.0: Academic Health Department (AHD) Learning Community: Supporting Collaboration in Public Health
Presenter: Kathleen Amos, MLIS, Public Health Foundation

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Session 4397.0: In-Person Meeting - Academic Health Department (AHD) Learning Community: Strengthening Public Health through Collaboration
Presenters: C. William Keck, MD, MPH, Northeast Ohio Medical University
Kathleen Amos, MLIS, Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice and Public Health Foundation
PHF's Exhibit Booth in the APHA Public Health Expo: #529 
In the APHA Public Health Expo, PHF will be located at booth #529 to provide conference attendees with resources and tools to assist with initiatives in performance management, quality improvement, workforce development, and national public health accreditation. Copies of the current Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies) will be available at the exhibit booth for attendees to use and provide feedback to the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice, as it reviews the Core Competencies for potential revision. Attendees will also find information on TRAIN, the nation’s most comprehensive learning network for professionals who protect and improve the public’s health, and free customized TRAIN luggage tags will be made on-site for a unique take-home souvenir. Finally, there will also be a raffle to win three copies of the Public Health Quality Improvement Encyclopedia at the PHF exhibit booth. Just leave a business card or contact information to enter.
Connect with PHF
Please stop by PHF’s exhibit booth and all sessions, presentations, and workshops to connect with our staff for more information about our focus areas and programs. You can also connect with PHF before, during, or after the event on our website by selecting "Add a Comment" below to leave your feedback, on Twitter by sending us a tweet, or posting a message to the PHF Facebook page. We look forward to connecting with you in Boston.

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American Public Health Association 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition