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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Core Competencies Workgroup Meeting - May 2014

Category: Program

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Workforce Development

Location: Conference Call

Start Date: 5/2/2014

End Date: 5/2/2014

​The Core Competencies Workgroup will convene on Friday, May 2, 2014 from 2:00-3:30 pm EDT to discuss draft revisions to the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals. The meeting will be held by conference call. The agenda and meeting materials are available below. For more information, please contact Kathleen Amos at
Call Information

Call Number: 1.888.387.8686

Conference ID: 8164961

1. Welcome, Introductions, and Overview of Agenda                                                                     Diane Downing
2. Core Competencies Revisions                                                                                                      Ron Bialek
  • Brief background
  • Approach to drafting revisions
  • Review of preliminary draft revisions to Tier 2
3. Workgroup Feedback on Preliminary Draft Revisions                                                               Diane Downing/Janet Place
  • ​Are new concepts such as health reform adequately addressed?
  • Competencies have been reordered within domains to group similar concepts and ensure a logical progression in the complexity of skills. Does the new order of competencies within domains make sense?
  • The wording of competencies has been simplified. Are the competencies more clearly expressed?
  • Do you think these types of revisions to the Core Competencies will make them easier to use for the practice community? For the academic community?
4. Next Steps                                                                                                                                           Ron Bialek
  • Additional feedback through May 14th
  • Council on Linkages vote prior to June 30th
  • Refocus on tools and examples 




Meeting Summary

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Core Competencies Workgroup Meeting - May 2014