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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
National Association of County and City Health Officials 2018 Annual Conference

Category: Program

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Performance Management, Quality Improvement, Workforce Development

Location: New Orleans Marriott, 555 Canal St. New Orleans, LA, 70130

Start Date: 7/10/2018

End Date: 7/12/2018

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) will hold its 2018 Annual Conference on July 10-12, 2018 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The theme for the conference is “Unleashing the Power of Local Public Health.” The conference will bring together partners, funders, local health department staff, and individuals who are invested in local public health to share research, ideas, strategies, and innovations relating to issues and topics that concern local public health.

Join the Public Health Foundation (PHF) for the following sessions at the conference:

C12 - Building a Skilled Performance Improvement Workforce to Support Local Public Health
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 from 10:15-11:15am CDT
Description: The discipline of performance improvement (PI) has grown significantly within public health since the launch of accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board. PI professionals form an integral part of the public health workforce and are instrumental in the continuous improvement of individual, program, and organizational performance. These professionals play key roles within their health departments in developing and implementing plans and activities in the areas of quality improvement, performance management, workforce development, accreditation readiness, and community health assessment and improvement planning. 

To support the development of a skilled PI workforce, a set of competencies has been developed specifically for PI professionals. Based on the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies), the new Competencies for Performance Improvement Professionals in Public Health (PI Competencies) were created with input from numerous PI professionals, national organizations, and technical assistance providers and trainers who have worked with and learned from over 500 health departments on PI activities. These competencies can be used along with the Core Competencies to help guide development of job descriptions, performance objectives, training, workforce development plans, academic curricula, and other tools and resources to support the activities and growth of PI professionals. 

This session will introduce the PI Competencies and explore strategies and resources that can help support implementation of these competencies within local health department workforce development efforts. Participants will be engaged in large and small group discussion during this interactive session designed to share ideas, strategies, and resources for ensuring a skilled PI workforce.


K7 - Local Health Departments Unleashing the Power of Collaboration: Developing and Sustaining Successful Partnerships with Academia
Thursday, July 12, 2018 from 3:30-4:30pm CDT
Description: As local health departments face limited resources, partnerships with academic institutions can help extend capacity for ensuring effective delivery of public health services and improving outcomes within the community. Academic health department (AHD) partnerships − formal affiliations between health departments and academic institutions − can offer health departments numerous benefits in terms of enhancing services, supporting the development of a well-prepared workforce, facilitating community-focused research, and achieving accreditation. 

This interactive session will share the experiences of the Jefferson County Department of Health (AL) and the Florida Department of Health in Leon County in developing and sustaining strong AHD partnerships with academic institutions. Participants will learn practical tips and tools for creating and enhancing their academic partnerships. The session will address how these two local health department AHD partnerships developed and evolved, how the partnerships are operationalized and managed on a day-to-day basis, outcomes that have been achieved as a result of working with the academic community, and how the partnerships have contributed to success with accreditation, among other topics. 

Free resources available to support local health departments in their AHD efforts will also be shared, including sample agreements that organizations have used to formalize their partnerships, a staged model illustrating how partnerships can develop, and opportunities for guidance and mentorship on partnership development. Time will be available for questions, and session participants will engage in large and small group discussion to share experiences and explore strategies for establishing and strengthening partnerships to move toward more comprehensive practice and academic collaboration.

  • Bryn Manzella, MPH, Director of Quality Improvement, Jefferson County Department of Health (AL)
  • Claudia Blackburn, MPH, RN, CPM, Health Officer, Florida Department of Health in Leon County
  • Kathleen Amos, MLIS, Assistant Director, Academic/Practice Linkages, Public Health Foundation

Connect with PHF
Join PHF staff at the conference as we engage with other public health professionals, hear from thought leaders at all levels of local public health, share our stories and experiences, and get inspired.

You can connect with PHF before and during the conference by sending us a tweet on Twitter or posting a message to the PHF Facebook Page. We look forward to connecting with you at the conference.

For more information about this event and to register, click here.

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National Association of County and City Health Officials 2018 Annual Conference