TRAIN Stats are Increasing…
The TRAIN Team celebrates the increase in use of PHF-TRAIN. The stats show that the increased use of TRAIN, the premier learning management system for those who protect the public’s health, reached new heights in 2010:
Stats for 12/2009 Stats for 12/2010
Active Learners 320,386 398,441
Course Providers 3,140 3,621
Active Courses 15,173 19,452
This would not have been possible without the help of the entire TRAIN community and those of you who support and promote TRAIN. Many thanks to all!
As we work diligently to continue the increase in the use of TRAIN, we need your help. If you have colleagues or friends in non-TRAIN states, please provide us their contact information so that we can introduce them to TRAIN. Please forward this information to Lois Banks, TRAIN Director ([email protected]).
TRAIN Stats as of 12/31/09
TRAIN Stats as of 12/31/10