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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (July 2022)

Related Categories: Performance Management, Quality Improvement, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Topic: Conferences and Events, Infrastructure, Performance Management and Quality Improvement, PHF News, TRAIN, Workforce Development

Date: 7/29/2022


News, resources, tools, and information on performance management, quality improvement, and workforce development to improve the quality and performance of your organization and the health of your community.
PHF E-News: News for Public Health
Resources for Your CDC Infrastructure Grant Application

Many state, local, and territorial health departments are busy preparing their applications for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) CDC-RFA-OE22-2203, Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems, due August 15, 2022. The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is collaborating with health departments as they prepare their applications. Ideas for proposed activities, technical assistance partnerships in workforce assessment and development, and TRAIN Learning Network Affiliate partnerships are a few of the ways PHF is helping. Visit the PHF Pulse blog post on how to maximize this funding opportunity or contact Mike Barry to learn more.  
Join PHF this August in Observing National Immunization Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance held in August to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. It is critical to ensure that routine vaccination is maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic, and after, in order to protect individuals and communities from vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks. Access these NIAM resources to help you engage in conversations around routinely recommended vaccines and up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination information.
Resources to Support Equitable Vaccination

Accessibility of vaccines is a critical component of equitable health. A new PHF Pulse blog post, Vaccine Equity is Health Equity: Resources to Support Equitable Vaccination, highlights resources for healthcare providers to support making crucial vaccinations available to all. Learn more about how to improve vaccine equity in your community.
Help Ensure On-Time Vaccinations: Order Your Copy of The Pink Book Today

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to routine vaccines. On-time vaccination is critical to protecting against potentially life-threatening diseases. You can help to ensure all people who need vaccines are current with recommended vaccines by using best practices outlined in Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 14th Edition – “The Pink Book.” The 14th edition contains updated immunization schedules; new catch-up schedules; information on vaccine timing, spacing, and dosing; and vaccine minimum age and intervals. Order The Pink Book today.
Improving Health Department Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs

Although public health policies at the national, state, and local levels have been implemented to reduce childhood lead exposure, lead poisoning remains a critical issue and has serious health impacts on children. PHF is committed to supporting health departments nationwide in reviewing and providing resources to enhance and strengthen childhood lead poisoning prevention programs. Explore PHF’s experience working with the Milwaukee Health Department and resources for a successful lead poisoning prevention program
Develop Knowledge and Skills for Federal Grants Management

Unsure how to navigate and manage the federal grants process? A training series available on CDC TRAIN provides grantees with the information needed to assist with the management of federal grants and cooperative agreements. The CDC Foundation Federal Grants Management Training Series is self-guided and offers a certificate for successfully completing the three training modules. As one learner shared, it’s a “great training for those who want to learn and understand the ins and outs of grant management.” Access the training today.
Quick and Easy Access to COVID-19 Training

COVID-19 trainings remain essential as the pandemic continues to affect individuals and families all over the world. Learn more about long COVID, a wide range of health problems people may experience more than four weeks after infection, by accessing the latest trainings on the TRAIN Learning Network. You also can use PHF's live searches available through TRAIN to find new and updated trainings on COVID-19 vaccinations, contact tracing and case investigation, and infection control.
Eduardo Sanchez and Amy Lee Join PHF Board of Directors

PHF is excited to announce that Eduardo Sanchez and Amy Lee have been elected to the PHF Board of Directors, an eleven-member body composed of state and local health officials and individuals from boards of health, academia, the private sector, and other governmental agencies. Dr. Sanchez and Dr. Lee bring years of public health experience and expertise to the Board, and PHF is thrilled to have them as new members. Learn more.
Add Your Voice to the "We are Public Health" Job Task Analysis

The National Board of Public Health Examiners is conducting a worldwide "We are Public Health" job task analysis survey to study the most common functions of the public health workforce on a region-by-region basis across the globe and to update the content outline of the Certified in Public Health exam. Anyone working in public health is invited to participate, and the survey will be open until the end of the summer. Learn more or take the survey today.
Subscribe to the Journal of Public Health Management & Practice and Save

Subscribe now and save 50% on the Journal of Public Health Management & Practice (JPHMP). The leading source of practical information and peer-reviewed research for the public health workforce, JPHMP focuses on evidence-based public health practice and research and publishes on a wide range of population health topics. Visit and use PHF’s exclusive promo code WMK186AA at checkout to subscribe today.
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PHF is hiring to support our mission of improving public health and population health practice to support healthier communities. Learn more and apply today.
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Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Events
National Immunization Awareness Month
August 1-31, 2022

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Virtual Training
August 16-18, 2022 from 3-7pm EDT
September 20-22, 2022 from 1-5pm EDT

7th National Summit on the Social Determinants of Health
October 2-4, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN


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PHF E-News: News for Public Health (July 2022)