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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Public Health Learning (October 2018)

Related Categories: Workforce Development

Topic: TRAIN

Date: 9/26/2018

Public Health Learning 
October 2018
Achieving Healthier Populations & Communities
It says "three (3) times a day." What time does that mean I take it?
Health literacy affects adults and children in a variety of ways. Between 2002 and 2012, every eight minutes, a child was prescribed a medication inappropriately, resulting in a call to poison control authorities. Multiple studies have shown that health literacy is related to parental dosing errors. Working with individuals can be complicated; to help public health and healthcare providers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has compiled health literacy training, resources, and tools.
Training Spotlight:

This course is designed to educate health professionals about health literacy and their role in providing health information and services and promoting public health literacy.
Health Literacy Resources

  • Health Literacy Consulting has created the Health Literacy Out Loud series of podcast interviews with those in-the-know about health literacy.
Fact of the Month

Did you know those with limited health literacy skills and knowledge are more likely to skip important preventive measures such as flu shots and then enter the healthcare system when they are sicker? Lower health literacy skills and knowledge are also associated with an increase in preventable hospital visits, higher likelihood of chronic conditions, and decreased ability to manage said chronic conditions. Find more facts and information about health literacy .
Health Literacy Events / Webinars

October 2, 2018. 12-1:30pm EDT. Richmond, VA
Sponsor: Virginia Commonwealth University

October 2, 2018. 4-5pm EDT.
Sponsor: American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences

October 3, 2018. 2-3pm EDT.
Sponsor: Health Literacy Innovations

October 25-26, 2018. College Park, Maryland
Sponsors: Horowitz Center for Health Literacy, CommunicateHealth, and the Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA)
Time to Stop Struggling with Your Communications Efforts
Communications efforts often weigh on staff in all types of organizations because of lack of skills, confidence, and strategies that will connect your message with a target audience. How can you get your colleagues, stakeholders, and community more engaged in your work? How can you design a communications plan that delivers the right message, in the right place, at the right time? The Public Health Foundation (PHF) offers a Strategic Communications Planning Workshop that will help your team build a communications tool and design a plan to achieve your organization’s objectives.
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Public Health Learning (October 2018)