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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
TRAIN Starts 2012 Strong

Related Categories: TRAIN

Topic: TRAIN

Date: 2/22/2012

Since the start of the New Year, TRAIN has gained its 500,000th registered learner and is continuing to steam ahead each day.  In January, over 10,300 new learners registered on TRAIN, the premier learning management system for professionals who protect and improve the public’s health. TRAIN has over:

  • 507,700 registered learners
  • 4,000 course providers

TRAIN learners are coming for invaluable trainings unavailable elsewhere, adding to TRAIN's reputation and reach.  Examples of these courses include:


We invite you to help TRAIN grow nationally and increase public health workforce capacity.  If you have colleagues or friends who need to earn CEUs or want to enhance their public health knowledge, please direct them to TRAIN’s website so they can embark upon training today! Remember, the majority of credit-earning opportunities are free, making TRAIN the ideal solution to maintaining licensure and building knowledge.

If your organization is interested in joining the largest public health learning management system, please contact Lois Banks at (202) 218-4427 or submit questions via the TRAIN inquiry form.


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TRAIN Starts 2012 Strong